Gina is the founder and owner of The Daily Money Manager. As a Personal Daily Money Manager and Master Financial Coach, Gina’s mission is to enhance the lives of those whom she serves, by providing an important resource for those times when clients find it overwhelming to manage their everyday finances.
A few of the Daily Money Management services that Gina provides are retrieving mail, categorizing and paying bills, reconciling bank/credit card statements, processing medical/insurance claims, maintaining a relevant filing system, creating a legacy binder of hard-copy and digital assets, and so much more. Gina also acts as a liaison between clients and their families, community service organizations, fiduciaries and other professionals.
Say Goodbye to Financial Chaos and Financial Hardship:
As a Certified Financial Social Work Educator Gina is a staunch promoter of financial behavioral
health and wellness. She enjoys working with people whose goal it is to maintain their finances in
such a way that they never experience financial chaos or financial hardship. When her clients utilize her Daily Money Management services or engage in Financial Coaching, they find they are less stressed and free to experience new and exciting opportunities.
“Being in control of your finances is truly liberating. Unleash your potential to have financial stability, and rest in the knowledge that together we will create an environment of confidentiality, safety and concern for your well-being. Get Your Life Back! The special gift you give to yourself.”
Gina Distefano, CFSWE